antique beds
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Spectacular French carved and caned

Overall length220cm
Overall width165cm
Head height185cm
Foot height102,5cm
Side rail height31cm
Spectacular French carved and caned European king size bed with original naturally aged paintwork. Floral, garland and musical instrument carving with flame carved knobs.. Individual and attractive oval carved detail in centre of cane work of musical instruments.The frame has been carefully cleaned and waxed to preserve. SIde rail length adapted to be suitable for standard length king size mattress 5'x 6'6" inside rails or 160cm x 2000cm on top of rails. Max head board height 185cm Max foot board height 102.5cmcm Side rail height 31cm Overall width 165cm Overall length 220cm Price includes wood slats. As an alternative to the wood slats we can supply mini box bases. Photograph taken with 2" platform base (£225 )These raise the get into bed height and offer a superior support for quality mattresses. We can also supply hand made mattresses in all comfort choices. Details are available on our own web site under Bases and mattresses or e mail us for specifications and price list. National and international delivery can be arranged. Please send postcode for a quotation from one of our reliable couriers. Bedsteads have been sourcing, restoring and retailing antique beds and bedroom furniture for over 25 years. We do have many beds awaiting restoration if you are looking for a particular style and can send images if requested. We have our own workshops located along side our showroom in a beautiful medieval barn seven miles south of Bristol.